我的世界插件Public Crafting Tables 4.13.5
我的世界插件Public Crafting Tables 4.13.5
源代码:https: //github.com/BananaPuncher714/PublicCrafters
捐赠链接: https: //www.paypal.me/bananapuncher714 https://discord.gg/ 7mZQDEmbStats _
曾经想展示定制的制作食谱或拥有漂亮的桌子吗?Public Crafters 修改了香​​草制作机制以准确显示桌子上的东西,并将其保留在那里,即使在玩家关闭它之后也是如此。这也意味着任何人都可以在另一个玩家制作东西时进去偷东西。真正公开,就像它应该如何!Public Crafters 与自定义制作配方和自定义资源包完全兼容。
- 1.8-1.18支持
- 不可能重复物品
- 公共表
- 支持自定义配方
- 支持自定义资源包
- 在 spawn 中显示自定义配方
- 可上锁的桌子
- 可定制的配置
- 轻巧无滞后
- 高度优化
- 支持活塞
- 强大的开发者API
- mc.aroundcraft.com网站
- Spooncraft 生存:play.SpooncraftMC.com
- 我的世界plus.ddns.net
- 冬天.tf
- /craftingtable <重新加载|切换|锁定>
- /craftingtable lock – 将表锁定为管理表,需要 publiccrafters.admin
- /craftingtable reload – 重新加载配置,需要 publiccrafters.reload
- /craftingtable toggle – 切换私人制作,需要 publiccrafters.private
- publiccrafters.reload – 让你重新加载配置
- publiccrafters.private – 让你使用私人工作台
- publiccrafters.admin – 让你锁定表
# The Public Crafters Config – Created by BananaPuncher714# This determines how high the items float above the crafting table.# 0.7 lets the blocks float just a little bit, and .61 lets the items lie flatitem-height: .7# This is whether or not the armorstand will be a marker; it may make the items# appear darkened if this is truemarker: false# This is how many ticks until the crafting table top updates# Set it to 2 if the items on the table lag when using pistons to move itupdate-delay: 0# This is how a material should be turned, accepts numeric and string ids, and is written in degrees of rotationorientation: DIAMOND_BLOCK: “0, 0, 0” # This is how much a material should be moved from its position, in x, y, and zoffset: DIAMOND_BLOCK: “0, 1, 0″# Whether or not a player has private crafting enabled by default`private-by-default: false# Whether or not the table should drop their items if no one is using itdrop-item: false# Whether or not the items that appear are fake. May not work for every versionvirtual: true# Whether or not to display an actual item above the tabledisplay-crafted-item: truedisplay-crafted-item-name: truecrafted-item-height: .15
PublicCrafters 附带源代码供您在 github 上查看。如果您需要任何帮助来完成某些工作,请随时联系我(BananaPuncher714)寻求任何帮助,无论是在这里还是在我的不和谐服务器上:https://discord.gg/7mZQDEm