我的世界曲率驱动对CC和OC的LUA API
功能的方法描述机械energy返回当前和最大能量(Return the current and max energy)所有用能量的方块state返回当前机械的状态(Return the current state of the machine)激光采矿机/激光树厂/船体扫描仪start开始工作(Start a new operation)激光采矿机/激光树厂stop停止工作(Stop the current operation)激光采矿机/激光树厂laserMediumDirection返回当前输出方向(Returns medium direction)激光采矿机/激光树厂laserMediumCount返回当前连接的激光介质数量(Returns number of medium connected)激光采矿机/激光树厂isAssemblyValid*返回当前的隐形装置结构是否有效(Return whether cloaking multiblock is valid)隐形装置getResultsCount返回当前扫描到的飞船数量(Return the number of results)雷达getResult返回一个扫描到的飞船(Return one of the result)雷达energy返回当前能量,最大能量和产能效率(Returns energy, max energy, energy rate)镜像体反应堆芯instabilityReturns the 4 instability values (100 is the point when the reactor explodes)Enantiomorphic reactor corereleaseSets the reactor to output all energy or disables outputting of energyEnantiomorphic reactor corereleaseRateReleases at most that much energy per tickEnantiomorphic reactor corereleaseAboveReleases any energy above arg0 amountEnantiomorphic reactor corehasReactorReturns true if the laser can see a reactor and false otherwiseEnantiomorphic reactor lasersideReturns 0-3 depending on which side of the reactor its onEnantiomorphic reactor lasersendLaserSends a laser of that much energy to stabilize the reactorEnantiomorphic reactor laserscan*Create a schematic from a shipScannerfileName*Return the schematic filenameScannerdeploy*Build a ship from a schematicScanner未完待续