#    Damage multiplier applied to all Hamon attacks.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0

hamonDamageMultiplier = 1.0


#    Whether or not blocks which can be restored by Crazy Diamond’s terrain restoration ability are saved in the save files.

#     It may cause longer saving & loading time for larger worlds.

saveDestroyedBlocks = false

#    疯狂钻石的地形恢复能力恢复的方块是否保存在存档文件中,(启动后可能导致存档加载/保存时间过长)

#    Disable this if you’re boring.

endermenBeyondTimeSpace = true

#    末影人是否能在时停中移动


keepStandOnDeath = true

keepHamonOnDeath = true

#    The weak vampirism version from the ‘Blood Gift’ ability will not be kept.

keepVampirismOnDeath = true

#    死亡后不会丢失任何能力,keepStandOnDeath为替身能力,keepHamonOnDeath为波纹能力,keepVampirismOnDeath为吸血鬼能力,但尸生人的力量不会被保存

#    If enabled, Stand users who got their Stand from a Disc drop their Stand Disc upon death.

#    Works only when keepStandOnDeath is set to false.

dropStandDisc = false

#    如果启用,从Disc中获得替身的替身使者在死亡时会掉落他们的替身Disc

#    仅在keepStandOnDeath 设置为 false 时有效


meteoriteSpawn = true

pillarManTempleSpawn = true

hamonTempleSpawn = true

#    结构生成调整,全部设置为false则不生成模组结构;

#    meteoriteSpawn为陨石坑,pillarmanTempleSpawn为丛林金字塔,hamonTempleSpawn为波纹寺庙

# 影响波纹训练速度的设置。


#    Whether or not breathing technique deteriorates over time.

breathingTechniqueDeterioration = true

#    波纹呼吸的等级是否会随着时间的流逝而下降

#    Hamon Strength and Control levels growth multiplier.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 5000.0

hamonPointsMultiplier = 1.0

#    训练波纹攻击以及波纹技能获得的经验倍数,倍数越高获得的经验越多。

#    Breathing technique growth multiplier.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

breathingTechniqueMultiplier = 1.0

#    训练波纹呼吸等级所获得的经验倍数,倍数越高获得的经验越多。


#    Max vampire energy multiplier on each difficulty level.

maxBloodMultiplier = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

#    每个难度级别的最大吸血鬼能量乘数(和平,简单,普通,困难)

#    Vampire energy decrease per tick on each difficulty level.

bloodTickDown = [0.13889, 0.00278, 0.00278, 0.0]

#    每个难度级别的吸血鬼能量每刻减少

#    Vampire energy cost per 1 hp of healing on each difficulty level.

bloodHealCost = [10.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0]

#    每个难度级别用hp治疗的吸血鬼能量消耗

#    Blood drain multiplier on each difficulty level.

bloodDrainMultiplier = [0.0, 1.0, 1.75, 2.5]

#    每个难度级别的吸血速度倍数。

# 替身箭头和替身随机池的设置.

[“Stand Arrow”]

#    If enabled, random Stand gain effects (Stand Arrow, /stand random) give Stands that less players already have.

#    Otherwise the Stand selection is random.

prioritizeLeastTakenStands = false

#    如果启用,随机替身(替身箭头,/stand random)会提供玩家拥有过的替身,否则替身选择则为随机。

#    Experience levels nesessary to get a Stand from each tier.

#    If the list is shorter than the default, next tiers use the last value.

#    For example, if the list only contains number 15, you’ll be able to get any Stand as long as you have 15 experience levels.

#    Making a value lower that the previous one might lead to an unexpected result.

standTierXpLevels = [0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45]

#    每一层根据经验等级获得对应的替身,如果列表比默认值小,则下一层使用最后一个值,例如,如果列表中只有数字15,那么只要你有15的经验等级,你就可以得到任何替身,使值低于前一个值可能会导致意外结果。

#    List of Stands excluded from Stand Arrow and /stand random pool.

#    These stands will still be available via /stand give command

#    Their Discs won’t be added to the mod’s Creative tab, but they can still be found in the Search tab (although they can’t be used to gain a banned Stand).”

#    The format is the same as for /stand give command (e.g., “jojo:star_platinum”).

bannedStands = [“jojo:example_1”, “jojo:example_2”]

#    Whether or not the Stand tiers mechanic is enabled.

standTiers = true

#    从替身箭和/stand random随机中排除的替身,但这些替身能以/stand give命令获得,被排除的替身光碟并不会出现于模组物品栏里,但仍可以在搜索标签中查找,删除格式与 /stand give 命令相同(例如,“jojo:star_platinum”)。


#    Damage multiplier applied to all Stands.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0

standPowerMultiplier = 1.0

#    替身攻击的伤害乘数

#    Whether or not Stands and abilities can break blocks.

abilitiesBreakBlocks = true

#    替身和技能是否可以破坏方块。

#    Whether or not Stand stamina mechanic is enabled.

standStamina = true

soulAscension = true

#    替身体力机制是否启用。


#    Whether or not all of the abilities are unlocked after gaining a Stand in Survival.

skipStandProgression = false

#    在生存模式下获得替身后是否解锁所有能力。

#    Max resolve points at each Resolve level (starting from 0).

#    Decrease these values to make getting to each level easier.

#    All values must be higher than 0.

resolvePoints = [2500.0, 5000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 15000.0]

#    替身能力级别的最大层级(从 0 开始),减少这些值以更容易进入每个级别,所有值都必须大于 0。


#    Damage multiplier for entities frozen in time.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0

timeStopDamageMultiplier = 1.0

#    时间暂停后对实体的伤害乘数

#    Range of Time Stop ability in chunks.

#     If set to 0, the whole dimension is frozen in time.

#     Defaults to 12.

#Range: > 0

timeStopChunkRange = 12

#    时间停止的范围,如果设为0则整个维度将被时间停止所影响。

# Position of Energy, Stamina and Resolve bars in the HUD.


barsPosition = “TOP_LEFT”

#    HUD 中能量条、耐力条和觉悟条的位置。

# Position of Power name, Attack and Ability hotbars in the HUD.


hotbarsPosition = “TOP_LEFT”

#    能力名称、攻击和技能快捷栏在 HUD 中的位置、

# Enable hotkey settings for each individual attack and ability from 1 to 9.

#  If your client is launched, changing the setting requires restarting the game.

slotHotkeys = true

#    为每个单独的攻击和能力启用热键设置,从 1 到 9。

#    如果你的客户端已启动,更改此设置需要重新启动游戏。

# Enable shaders during Resolve effect.

resolveShaders = true


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