#Anvil Tweaks铁砧微调
#Removes additional cost from repairing/enchanting items in an anvil multiple times
noRepairCost = true
#Allow books to be combined over the enchantment max level
allowOverlevelBooks = true
#Always allow enchantments from books to be applied in an anvil, regardless of item type or other enchantments
alwaysAllowBooks = true
#Enables disenchanting items by combining with a vanilla book
disenchant = true
#Chance for an anvil to be damaged on use (default 0.12)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
breakChance = 0.12
#Vanilla Machine Speed Tweaks原版功用方块速率调整
#Vanilla furnaces are faster.
fastFurnace = false
#Vanilla blast furnaces are faster.
fastBlastFurnace = false
#Vanilla smokers are faster.
fastSmoker = false
#Vanilla campfires cook faster.
fastCampfire = true
#Cook speed multiplier for furnace, blast furnace, and smoker. Time per item is (10/multiplier) seconds. Valid values (2,4,5,8,10,20,25,40,50)
#Range: 2 ~ 50
multiplier = 5
#Brewing stands are faster.
fastBrewing = true
#Number of ticks to brew a potion. Vanilla = 400.
#Range: 2 ~ 400
brewTicks = 200
#Entity Tweaks实体微调
#Mobs can only spawn blocks with a full-cube collision box. Prevents spawning on partial blocks like top-slabs, upside-down-stairs, and hoppers.
spawnRequiresFullCube = true
#Set to false to disable phantom spawns.
allowPhantoms = true
#Removes 0.5 sec invulnerability time after an entity gets hit.
noInvulnerabilityTicks = false
#Crouch while flying to immediately end elytra flight.
crouchStopsFlight = true
#Hunger Tweaks饥饿机制微调
#Remove food cap that limits food value to 20. Useful with modded foods
uncapFood = true
#Remove saturation cap that limits saturation to current food level
uncapSaturation = true
#Plant Tweaks
#Leaves decay immediately when their supporting tree is removed
instantLeafDecay = true