
“server options” {

        # Makes Advanced Mending prioritize damaged items first (Requires SME Overhaul Mixin)


        B:”Advanced Mending Damaged Priority”=false

        # Makes Advanced Mending incompatible with Infinity (Requires SME Overhaul Mixin)


        B:”Advanced Mending Infinity Restriction”=false

       # Effect that drinking Ale should give
       S:”Ale Effect”=lycanitesmobs:immunization

       # Effect that drinking Cider should give


       S:”Cider Effect”=potioncore:magic_shield

       # If true, Cobalt Shield will cancel knockback events, instead of only applying an attribute

        //# 如果为true,钴盾将取消击退事件。


       B:”Cobalt Shield Cancels Knockback (Bountiful Bauble)”=false

       # Enables the Nether Bane weapon effect to deal bonus damage to nether mobs


       B:”Enable Nether Bane (需要安装更好的战斗-RLCraft版)”=false

       # How many blocks to reduce fall distance by per tick in water


        //需开启 B:”Configurable Fall (Vanilla)”

       # Min: 1.0
       # Max: 100.0
       D:”Fall Distance Reduction in Water”=2.0

       # Percentage of Flame particles to ignore for Fire Dragon explosions


        //需开启 B:”Explosion Particle Reduction (IceAndFire)”

       # Min: 0.0
       # Max: 1.0
       D:”Fire Dragon Explosion Flame Percent”=0.9

       # Percentage of Smoke particles to ignore for Fire Dragon explosions


       # Min: 0.0
       # Max: 1.0
       D:”Fire Dragon Explosion Smoke Percent”=0.95

       # Item Blacklist for the Hungry Farmer trait.

        //为Reskillable模组的”饥饿农夫 “特性添加了一个可配置的黑名单(防止某些食物被自动吃掉)。

       S:”Hungry Farmer Blacklist” <


        # Percentage of Smoke particles to ignore for Ice Dragon explosions


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.0

        D:”Ice Dragon Explosion Smoke Percent”=0.95

        # Percentage of Snow particles to ignore for Ice Dragon explosions


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.0

        D:”Ice Dragon Explosion Snow Percent”=0.8

        # Amplifier given by Living Cleaver when hitting an entity.


        # Min: 0

        # Max: 10

        I:”Living Cleaver Amplifier”=0

        # Effect that drinking Mead should give


        S:”Mead Effect”=lycanitesmobs:rejuvenation

        # Fixes squid and cow milking cooldowns



        B:”Milking Cooldown Fix (需要灵感 (Inspirations)模组)”=true

        # Value to either multiply damage by or add to damage for the Nether Bane effect


        D:”Nether Bane Damage Value”=2.0

        # List of mobs to be classed as nether-mobs for the Nether Bane effect


        S:”Nether Bane Mob List” <


        # If true, Nether Bane effect will multiply damage, if false, additive


        B:”Nether Bane Multiply/Add”=false

        # List of weapons to have the Nether Bane effect


        S:”Nether Bane Weapon List” <


        # Maximum Modifier for Nunchaku (Damage * (1+this))



        D:”Nunchaku Combo Max Modifier”=0.4

        # Effect given by Parasite Cleaver when hitting an entity.


        S:”Parasite Cleaver Effect”=potioncore:vulnerable

        # Add and register Cleansing Talisman, a recipe for crafting a Curse Break book, and the Curse Break potion

        //添加并注册净化护符、祛除诅咒(Curse Break)附魔书以及配方、祛除诅水药水。

        B:”Register Cleansing Talisman (Charm)”=true

        # Registers the Cow Potion effect


        B:”Register Cow Potion”=true

        # Makes the Ice/Fire blood recipes retain enchantments and repair cost, optional compatibility for BetterSurvival (Except for Spear) and SpartanFire (You will still need to remove the original recipes with CraftTweaker.)


        B:”Register Enchantment Sensitive Flame/Ice Weapon Recipes (IceAndFire)”=false

        # Register the Encumbered potion effect (Requires PotionCore)



        B:”Register Encumbered”=true

        # Add and register Scarlite armor with custom models


        B:”Register Scarlite Armor”=true

        # Add and register Steel armor with custom models


        B:”Register Steel Armor”=true

        # Potion Blacklist for Tipped Arrows.


        S:”Tipped Arrow Blacklist” <






//请按需启用/禁用相应设置,需要注意作者标的模组分类,比如【B:”AntiWarp Handling (Vanilla/BetterSurvival)“】没安装更好的生存模组此项就不会生效,甚至可能会造成游戏无法启动。

 “client options” {


 “toggle mixins” {

        # Force EntityLivingBase#attemptTeleport to cancel under the effects of AntiWarp


        //强制 EntityLivingBase#attemptTeleport 在“反跃迁”药水效果的影响下取消。

        B:”AntiWarp Handling (Vanilla/BetterSurvival)”=true

        # Stops Anvils from displaying “Too Expensive” for compatibility with AnvilPatchLawful

        //铁砧不再显示 “过于昂贵!”,这样你就可以通过类似Anvil Patch – lawful的模组,在铁砧中显示正确的附魔所需等级。

        B:”Anvil Too Expensive (Vanilla/AnvilPatch)”=true

        # Disallow Infernal/Blight/Champion mobs from entering Minecarts and Boats (Does not require all mods to be loaded.)

        //Minecraft原版的船和矿车不会再困住Scaling Health稀有精英怪冠军/强敌所生成的Boss生物。

        B:”Boss Cart/Boat Cheese (Vanilla/InfernalMobs/ScalingHealth/Champions)”=true

        # Rework the Broken Heart trinket to work with FirstAid


        B:”Broken Heart Rework (BountifulBaubles/FirstAid)”=true

        # Cancels SRParasites manually packet handling for reach bonuses



        B:”Cancel Parasite Reach Packet (SRParasites)”=true

        # Makes incorrectly mixing potions in an Inspirations cauldron turn into Mundane instead of Thick potion


        B:”Cauldron Failure Mundane (Inspirations)”=true

        # Makes Champions death messages use the Champion’s name


        B:”Champion Death Message Tweak (Champions)”=true

        # Makes Champions with potions use invisible particles


        B:”Champion Potion Invis (Champions)”=true

        # Allows for modifying the combo multiplier of Nunchaku


        //见服务端设置的[D:”Nunchaku Combo Max Modifier”]

        B:”Changeable Nunchaku Combo (BetterSurvival)”=true

        # Adds the ability to define Dynamic Surroundings entity chat messages in a config file



        B:”Chat Bubble Config (DSurroundings)”=true

        # MC-108469 patch, created by EigenCraft Unofficial Patch

        //MC-108469 bug补丁,由EigenCraft Unofficial Patch提供。


        B:”Chunk Entity List (Vanilla)”=true

        # Makes Chunk Animator stop animating around the player temporarily when using F3+A or changing render distance, to stop easy xray


        B:”ChunkAnimator XRay (Vanilla/ChunkAnimator)”=true

        # Modifies the Bountiful Baubles Cobalt Shield Knockback Resistance Attribute from 10 -> 1000.


        B:”Cobalt Shield Increased Resistance (BountifulBaubles)”=false

        # Replace the effects of Ale, Cider, and Mead with config-defined effects


        //具体效果在服务端配置的[S:”Cider Effect”]和[S:”Ale Effect”]修改

        B:”Config Alcohol Effects (Rustic)”=true

        # Makes fall distance reduction per tick in water configurable


        //在服务端配置的[D:”Fall Distance Reduction in Water”]修改。

        B:”Configurable Fall (Vanilla)”=false

        # Replaces Launch potion’s effect from PotionCore with Delayed Launch, for compatibility with knockback effects

        //用 “延迟发射 “取代药水核心发射药水效果,以兼容击退附魔。

        B:”Delayed Launch (PotionCore)”=true

        # Skips checking oversized AABB for collisions when teleporting long distances, causing extreme lag.


        B:”EXPERIMENTAL: Teleporting Lag Patch (Vanilla)”=true

        # Tweaks the values of the Education enchant.


        //根据Github,大概是让”教育” 附魔与 “抢夺“、”高级抢夺” 以及 “熟能生巧 不能附魔在同一个物品上。



        B:”Education Tweak (BetterSurvival)”=true

        # Attempts to stop the ability to cheese dragons on the edge of render distance

        //防止玩家在渲染距离边缘(lazy chunks)攻击龙来轻易地战胜龙(防止玩家逃课)

        B:”Enable AntiDragon Cheese (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Makes dragons bite the player for the same amount as they bite other mobs, and heal on bites



        B:”Enable Better Dragon Bites (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Stops the player from being able to dismount dragons and cyclops while they are being shaken.


        //请禁用ISeeDragons模组的dismount patch而使用本项配置。

        B:”Enable Dragon Dismount Fix (Vanilla/IceAndFire)”=true

        # Makes dragons start flying if they’re stuck in water while they have a target


        B:”Enable Dragon Water Flying (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Directly modify Item attributes for certain SoManyEnchantments Enchantments

        B:”Enchantment Item Attributes (Vanilla/更多附魔)”=true


        # Directly modify ItemStack damage for certain SoManyEnchantments Enchantments


        B:”Enchantment ItemStack Damage (Vanilla/SME)”=true

        # MC-92916 patch, created by EigenCraft Unofficial Patch

        //MC-92916补丁,由EigenCraft Unofficial Patch提供。


        B:”Entity Tracker Desync (Vanilla)”=true

        # Allows for reducing the amount of particles generated by dragon explosions (These normally aren’t rendered without Missing Particle Rendering Patch)


        //启用[B:”Missing Particle Rendering (Vanilla)”]后会渲染很多之前看不见的额外特效粒子,启用此配置以减少其中一些粒子的数量。

        B:”Explosion Particle Reduction (IceAndFire)”=true


        B:”FirstAid NaN Damage Check (FirstAid)”=false

        # Replace and rework the flare gun entity and handling



        B:”Flare Gun Rework (BountifulBaubles)”=true

        # Fix Food Expansion foods deleting the entire stack when eaten if their stack size is increased


        B:”Food Stack Size (FoodExpansion)”=true

        # Halves the effect of Reach potion


        B:”Half Reach (PotionCore)”=true

        # Patches issues with player health attributes being lowered between packets causing desynced death



        B:”Health Desync Patch (Vanilla)”=true

        # Adds a config defined blacklist for the Hungry Farmer perk

        //为 “饥饿农夫 “特性添加了一个可配置的黑名单(防止某些食物被自动吃掉)。

        B:”HungryFarmer Blacklist (Reskillable)”=true

        # Modify the render bounding boxes of some Ice and Fire mobs to fix undersized render boxes


        B:”IceAndFire Render Box (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Cancels Ice and Fire’s handling of weapon bonuses, allowing for RLCombat to properly handle it instead



        B:”InF Bonus Handling (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Fixes Dragonbone Bow duping arrows with the BetterSurvival Multishot enchant


        B:”InF Bow Multishot patch (IceAndFire/BetterSurvival)”=true

        # Fixes Dragon and Myrmex eggs despawning when unloaded

        # 修复了龙蛋恐蚁蛋在区块卸载时会消失的问题

        B:”InF Egg Despawn Patch (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Cancels Ice and Fire’s multipart mob handling to allow RLCombat to handle it instead



        B:”InF Multipart Handling (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Fix issues with Dragon Skull, Dragon Egg, Dragon Horn, and Myrmex Egg deleting items or duping when used in offhand


        B:”InF Offhand Items (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Stops Infernal Mobs from spamming particles while the game is paused


        B:”Infernal Particle Spam (InfernalMobs)”=true

        # Tags mobs spawned from Infested Champions as summoned, allowing for Trinkets and Baubles to cancel their xp/item drops


        B:”Infested Summon Tag (Champions/TrinketsAndBaubles)”=true

        # Makes ItemPhysics use the player’s reach attribute instead of a hardcoded value


        B:”Item Reach Attribute (ItemPhysics)”=true

        # Increases the time that Jailer Champions apply the Jailed effect for, since the original mixes up seconds and ticks



        B:”Jailer Champion Time (Champions)”=true

        # Lower the player’s eye height while crouching to be more like newer versions


        B:”Lowered Crouch (Vanilla)”=true

        # Force Mending to prioritize damaged items first, instead of randomly picking


        B:”Mending Priorities (Vanilla)”=true

        # Fixes certain particles sent to the client from serverside never actually rendering, created by RandomPatches



        B:”Missing Particle Rendering (Vanilla)”=true

        # Fix Food Expansion’s Nether Wart Soup crashing the game when eaten on a server


        B:”Nether Wart Soup Crash (FoodExpansion)”=true

        # Prevents Champion mobs from turning into Infernals as well


        B:”No Infernal Champions (Champions/InfernalMobs)”=true

        # Rework Obsidian Skull/Shield fire resistance handling to be less buggy


        B:”Obsidian Skull/Shield Rework (BountifulBaubles)”=true

        # Force Thorn and Arthropod enchantment methods to check for offhand packets, as well as Fire Aspect and Knockback with SME compat.

        B:”Offhand Enchants (Vanilla/RLCombat)”=true

        # MC-119971 patch, created by EigenCraft Unofficial Patch

        //MC-119971补丁,由EigenCraft Unofficial Patch提供。


        B:”Outdated Chunk Data (Vanilla)”=true

        # Overhaul a bunch of SoManyEnchantments Enchantment handlers to fix lag/bugs/offhand issues


        B:”Overhaul SME (Vanilla/SME/RLCombat)”=true

        # Makes parasite spawning ignore all light level if the ignore sunlight option is true.


        B:”Parasite Light Level (SRParasites)”=true

        # Cancels Parasites attempting to run a custom spawn tick check. (Seems to help performance/spawning)


        B:”Parasite Spawn Fix (SRParasites)”=true

        # Fixes Reskillable losing track of the player when returning from the end, causing baubles with level requirements to be lost


        B:”Player Tracking Patch (Reskillable)”=true

        # Blacklists PotionCore Revival/1UP potion from affecting non-players, to prevent duping.


        B:”Prevent Revival Potion on Non-Players (PotionCore)”=true

        # Prevents Charm Crates from being inserted into Shulker Boxes, manually and by hopper.


        B:”Prevent Shulker Crate Insertion (Vanilla/Charm)”=true

        # Force gathering rain into a canteen to give purified water instead of dirty water


        B:”Purified Rain Water (SimpleDifficulty)”=true

        # Fixes Quark boat chests duping


        B:”Quark Chest Boat Dupe (Quark)”=true

        # Prevents the player from removing armor cursed with Binding in the reforging station


        B:”Reforging Binding Fix (BountifulBaubles)”=true

        # Rehandles the Sentient Scythe’s AOE effect to make it less ridiculous and more compatible with other effects



        B:”Rehandle Sentient Scythe Effect (SRParasites/RLCombat)”=true

        # Removes the ability to add protection enchant to shields

        B:”Remove Shield Protection Enchant (Inspirations)”=true

        # Replaces SRParasites Living and Sentient armor models with custom models


        B:”Replace Parasite Armor Models (SRParasites)”=true

        # Attempts to fix a desync caused by ScalingHealth when a mob dies in the same tick it is spawned


        B:”ScalingHealth Death Desync (ScalingHealth)”=true

        # Allows SeedFood to bypass being locked by Reskillable (Allows eating Potatos/Carrots but not planting them)


        B:”SeedFood Bypass Lock (Reskillable)”=true

        # Smooth eye height when crouching, created by RandomPatches



        B:”Smoothed Crouching (Vanilla)”=true

        # Enabled the “Spooky Dragons” config option in client config

        //在客户端启用幽灵龙配置文件。 没搜到是啥,万圣节彩蛋?

        B:”Spooky Dragons Mixin (IceAndFire)”=false

        # Fixes BetterNether’s food bowls from deleting whole stacks when eaten.



        B:”Stalagnate Bowl Fix (BetterNether)”=true

        # Makes feathers not passively drop from chickens if they’re stoned


        B:”Stoned Chicken Feather Fix (Quark/IceAndFire)”=true

        # Patches Dupe bug with Stonelings


        B:”Stoneling Dupe Patch (Quark)”=true

        # Makes nether portals not spawn zombie pigmen, to prevent farming.


        B:”Stop Pigmen Portal Spawning (Vanilla)”=true

        # Makes Strays and Husks ignore whether or not they can see the sky when spawning



        B:”Stray/Husk Sky Spawning Fix (Vanilla)”=true

        # Fixes the quivers from Switchbow not closing when the quiver is dropped


        B:”Switchbow Quiver Patch (Switchbow)”=true

        # Forces Quark’s Right-Click sign edit to sync the config value from server to client to prevent desyncs (Thanks to Venom)


        B:”Sync Sign Edit Config (Quark)”=true

        # Fixes dupe issues with the ToolBelt belt


        B:”ToolBelt Belt GUI Dupe Patch (ToolBelt)”=true

        # Fixes some dupe bugs with stoned InF mobs


        B:”Tamed Mob Stone Dupe (IceAndFire)”=true

        # Adds a blacklist to prevent certain potion effects from working on tipped arrows.


        B:”Tipped Arrow Blacklist (Vanilla)”=true

        # Prevents trumpets from triggering the Gluttony amulet effect


        B:”Trumpet Gluttony (BountifulBaubles/TrumpetSkeleton)”=true

        # Reworks Undershirt perk to work properly with FirstAid


        B:”Undershirt Rework (Reskillable/FirstAid)”=true

        # Fixes Vampirism from Better Survival healing the player when hitting non-living entities


        B:”Vampirism Cheese Patch (BetterSurvival)”=true

        # Fix ForgottenItems vein pickaxe mining tile entities and bypassing protection


        B:”Vein Pickaxe Patch (ForgottenItems)”=true

        # Makes Golden Osmosis perk also repair Golden Book Wyrm armor


        B:”Wyrm Osmosis (Reskillable/DefiledLands)”=true

        # Makes curing Zombie Villagers count as a kill for Mob Spawner Control spawners


        B:”Zombie Curing Ticks Spawners (Vanilla/MobSpawnerControl)”=true

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